We are a  small breeding program in the very south west border of Arkansas. We train horses and raise puppies. Our dogs are our babies! 


Flavia- She is our oldest girl. A wonderful Momma! She'll bay cattle with the best of them, just not big enough to really do anything about it. She's perfectly content to do her own thing, unless you are offering rubs, then you can't stop until she's ready. 


Eli- Eli is our oldest male. The sweetest boy! He's a big baby really. All he requires is a little bit of love. He's pretty much as happy go lucky as they come, unless a threat is coming into his territory.


Tess- She's is really the perfect dog. Completely laid back and loving, without demanding anything... Until a horse starts acting up. Then she turns that grit on and makes sure that horse knows it had better behave itself.


Jojo- Jojo is my hauling dog. She goes to horse shows with us and is kind of our mascot. Her face (as a puppy) is on our business cards and a the top of this website. She is out of Eli and Flavia's first litter. I just had to have her, from the minute she was born. 


Goose- He is also out of Eli and Flavia's first litter. Like his daddy, he's just the biggest sweetheart. He's a special boy with his one green eye and one blue eye.


Meg- This fluffy girl is Goose's girlfriend. She is and energetic ball of happiness. She has so much joy to share she hops around like a bunny rabbit 75% of the time.


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